(Source: FGR)
A little part of me just gets so excited when I see that Fashion Gone Rogue have gone and done another exclusive. Yippeee!!
I thrive on finding fabulous editorials. It's like a never ending quest for the holy grail of editorials. I don't know what it is about pictures - is it the glamorous clothes, the gorgeous models or just the way the pictures are composed?
My computer and hard drive are absolutely chockers with editorials from years ago. I wish I had the good sense back then to save them all properly. As it is, they are in a slight state of disorder.
It always seems to be one of those jobs that I keep saying 'I'll get around to one day', but never happens. Which is why I'm changing my tune over the next few weeks in the lead up to my move to Melbourne. I've got 'to do' lists like you'd never imagine. Well, make that one extensive to do list that I plan to break down into categorical to do lists. It's interesting to see how sidetracked you become when faced with such a big task. Often I end up missing the point completely, becoming fixated on one small aspect. But this time, I'm on top of it all. Watch out Melbourne, here I come...
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